There I was, about to hit the beach… 

There I was, about to hit the beach… 

for a bit of suntanning, when my phone started to ping. Initially, I thought it was my stop being hit at 1.1020 on my short EURUSD position, but nope, I dodged that bullet. The “ping” was actually informing me that the 4800 puts I’ve been discussing over the past few...
The Markets Cannot Keep Treading Water for Much Longer

The Markets Cannot Keep Treading Water for Much Longer

Since the beginning of May, EUR/USD has been trading within a narrow 3-cent range, gold has fluctuated within a $120 range, while Bitcoin (BTC) has shown more volatility but remains around the same levels we saw three months ago. Equity markets have declined over...
50 years! Who would have thought it?

50 years! Who would have thought it?

Tomorrow, on the 2nd of August, I have the honor of celebrating 50 years in a business I love. This milestone reminds me of the old saying, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” For me, this couldn’t be more true. It all began in 1974 when I...
So, What Are We Gonna Do Now?

So, What Are We Gonna Do Now?

I don’t know about the crystal ball you use to analyse the markets for opportunities, but mine is shrouded in so many political events that it really is hard to see something to jump on. I get criticized for writing about political events when I should be writing...