The Old Man’s Views Old men, power and COP26

The Old Man’s Views Old men, power and COP26

The more I hear from the young, dynamic guys out there – those who use technology to create a positive future – the more I appreciate how truly creative and clever they are, especially if I compare them to the current batch of old men in power.   In the financial...
The Old Man’s Views Old men, power and COP26

The Old Man’s Views Beijing Biden and the Coming Big Bang

I’m running my computer and router on a generator because the power is off. What the hell is going on? For 20-years, since Bill “blow-me” Clinton, campaigned to get China into the WTO, what have we seen; Our wealth and jobs sent to China, Commodity yielding land sold...
The Old Man’s Views Old men, power and COP26

The Old Man’s Views Oh, Joe! What did you do?

The great thing about internet searching is the algorithms that keep presenting you with the content it thinks you will like.   I was searching searching “major economic downturns” and “declines of empires”, and was presented with links to some new YouTube videos from...