The Old Man’s Views Why Are You Reading This?

The Old Man’s Views Why Are You Reading This?

If you are anything like me, you are reading reports hoping that you will find a snippet of information that might prove profitable today or in the future. Most of us are looking to make money trading in speculative markets. We want to have some fun and make some...
The Old Man’s Views Morals and the Markets

The Old Man’s Views Morals and the Markets

It doesn’t matter how much the markets have moved in our favour. There can be no joy when watching what is happening in Ukraine.   I have for some time written about the need to diversify our portfolios to hedge against economic decline and massive inflation,...
The Old Man’s Views A Sad Week

The Old Man’s Views A Sad Week

In a week such as this, talking about ways to make money seems a little obscene.   All the people in Ukraine are in my prayers. The people currently under attack from the Russian military. And those who suffered immensely from 8-years of the Civil War: who are being...