by Anne Bannerman | Jul 7, 2022
The sun is shining, the holidaymakers are happy, and it’s time to enjoy life. We are still far from seeing a return to economic growth, but by now, most people have committed to what they will do investment-wise, so what’s the point of remaining grumpy? We’ve all made...
by Anne Bannerman | Jul 5, 2022
6-months later, and YouTube is suddenly awash with videos by esteemed oracles, claiming, “Most people do not know what’s coming”. Hopefully, the readers of my shit have been preparing for months! Today’s social media, like the mainstream media, is about as valuable...
by Anne Bannerman | Jun 23, 2022
I am not one for delving deep into every technical product’s nitty-gritty. But it appears that there are a few programming errors across the crypto blockchain industry, which is worrisome. I am no expert on such matters, and it would be wrong for me to criticize or...
by Anne Bannerman | Jun 15, 2022
That’s a song by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas from 1965. It is also the current situation for the whole of humanity. Having preached about the coming of the present economic situation for over 6-months, I am not going to carry on preaching. Let me discuss where I...
by Anne Bannerman | Jun 9, 2022
Do you know enough about market movements to keep your money invested? With a very impressive start to the week, the gung-ho brigade started to flock back to social media and forecast massive gains. Yet 24-hours later, all we could hear was, WTF! Emotion is a...