by Anne Bannerman | Aug 11, 2022
Another week has passed, and it seems more traders are on the beach than in their offices. There are lots of stories on LinkedIn, but most of them are just promotional. I am spending much of my time arranging my Airbnbs and ensuring my guests have a decent holiday...
by Anne Bannerman | Aug 4, 2022
Years of dedication and effort paid off! A team of people, who suffered to become the best at what they do, have finally achieved the success they have earned. As an Englishman, I can’t remember when I was so proud of English footballers, or at least it’s been a long...
by Anne Bannerman | Jul 28, 2022
Once again, it’s been a week with very little substance to report. Joe Biden is still the worst President in American history. Last week he told us he had cancer, 24 hours later, they told us he had Covid. This week I expect they will say to us he has caught Monkey...
by Anne Bannerman | Jul 21, 2022
Summer “silly season” is upon us, and if you are not now taking a well-earned break, you should do it. Downside momentum is still with us, but it has dramatically decelerated to a point where some people are now looking to go long for a quick rally. I hope the rally...
by Anne Bannerman | Jul 12, 2022
As I’ve never been a salesman, my direct involvement with non-professional investors has been minimal, However, that does not mean I have not received complaints when my advice goes wrong, and investors lose money. After spending hours on the phone and listening to...