by Anne Bannerman | Mar 30, 2023
JPFS has partnered with ALPHAtrade to bring it’s unique investment strategies to a new audience of investors via trademakers, our fractionalised investment platform. Lecka Quant FX is a quantitative, systematic trading system which has been developed and refined...
by Anne Bannerman | Mar 30, 2023
JPFS has partnered with ALPHAtrade to bring it’s unique investment strategies to a new audience of investors via trademakers, our fractionalised investment platform. Lecka Quant FX is a quantitative, systematic trading system which has been developed and refined...
by Anne Bannerman | Mar 29, 2023
Share on Linkedin Linkedin Share on Twitter Twitter Share on Facebook Facebook Few have been as concerned about the economic outlook for as long as I have. And too many of the problems we have discussed over the past year are now, sadly, starting to take hold. ...
by Anne Bannerman | Mar 29, 2023
Share on Linkedin Linkedin Share on Twitter Twitter Share on Facebook Facebook Few have been as concerned about the economic outlook for as long as I have. And too many of the problems we have discussed over the past year are now, sadly, starting to take hold. ...
by Anne Bannerman | Mar 22, 2023
Share on Linkedin Linkedin Share on Twitter Twitter Share on Facebook Facebook In a recent discussion with a reader of my reports, he pointed out that although generally accurate, the pessimism was slightly(?) off-putting. That was an entirely fair comment, and I...