Survivorship Bias – No One Remembers the Losers

by | Apr 12, 2023


It is easy to be swayed by stories of those who appear to have mastered the art of trading, generating impressive returns and thriving in the face of adversity, when it comes to understanding success in the financial markets. These triumphant stories can be motivating, but they can also distort our understanding of what it takes to succeed in the markets. Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s insightful book “Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets” sheds light on a critical but often overlooked cognitive bias that can mislead traders and investors alike: survivorship bias. This bias occurs when we focus solely on the success stories of individuals or investments, ignoring the vast majority of failures that go unnoticed. By focusing solely on the winners, we lose sight of the true difficulty of trading the financial markets, leading us to overestimate the role of skill and strategy while underestimating the impact of chance and randomness.

An Unnoticed Error

Survivorship bias occurs when we focus primarily on success stories in a given field, ignoring the vast majority of failures that go largely unreported or forgotten. This bias leads to a distorted perception of success because we mistakenly believe that successful individuals represent the entire population, ignoring the critical role that luck and chance frequently play in determining outcomes.


We are drawn to success stories for various reasons, including our innate psychological attraction to positive and inspiring narratives. The media contributes to survivorship bias by focusing on the stories that catch our attention, often celebrating the accomplishments of successful traders and investors while downplaying the hardships and setbacks faced by the majority of others in the industry.


In the context of financial markets, survivorship bias manifests itself when we focus on the stories of successful traders, attributing their success to skill, strategy, or some other distinguishing characteristic that sets them apart from the crowd. This ignores the countless traders who have failed or suffered significant losses, often just as skilled individuals who fail due to factors beyond their control.


This distorted view of success has far-reaching consequences for the financial industry as a whole. For example, we may overvalue certain trading strategies or investment funds if we believe that their past performance is indicative of their future success. This can lead to a feedback loop in which inflated expectations lead to increased investment, reinforcing the illusion of skill and expertise.


Recognizing the true probabilities of success and failure in the financial markets is critical for overcoming survivorship bias and developing a more balanced view of the markets. Traders and investors can develop a more objective and realistic mindset by considering the full range of possible outcomes- including the negatives by acknowledging the role of chance, which will help them avoid falling victim to survivorship bias.


One method for developing this mindset is to actively seek out information about both successful and unsuccessful traders, as well as to analyse the factors that contributed to their respective outcomes. This can provide valuable insights into the challenges and risks of trading and investing, leading to a more grounded understanding of the markets.


Survivorship bias can foster a false sense of security and encourage traders and investors to take on excessive risk. By focusing solely on success stories, we may be led to believe that the road to financial prosperity is paved with exceptional talent and razor-sharp market insights, rather than acknowledging the threat of ever-present failure.


Furthermore, survivorship bias can impair our ability to learn from the mistakes of those who have failed in the markets. We miss out on valuable lessons about risk management, emotional discipline, and the inherent uncertainty of the markets if we dismiss or ignore the stories of traders who have lost money. This can stifle our development as traders and investors because we are blissfully unaware of the pitfalls and challenges that await us. We can develop a more comprehensive understanding of financial markets and improve our decision-making processes in the face of uncertainty by recognising and addressing head-on the problem of survivorship bias.

Overcoming Survivorship Bias

To counteract the harmful influence of survivorship bias, it is critical to adopt a more balanced and realistic view of financial market success. This entails acknowledging the role of chance and randomness in shaping outcomes, as well as acknowledging that even the most skilled and knowledgeable traders will, at times, succumb to unforeseen market forces. Cultivate a more grounded approach to trading and investing by maintaining a healthy respect for the uncertainty that pervades the markets. Prioritise risk management and long-term sustainability over short-term gains.


Quantitative analysis can be a powerful tool in identifying and mitigating survivorship bias. Traders and investors can gain a more accurate understanding of the underlying factors that drive market outcomes by employing rigorous statistical methods and data-driven techniques. By analysing the performance of a large sample of traders over time, for example, patterns can be recognised that distinguish successful strategies from those that have simply been lucky. This can aid in the refinement of trading strategies and the overall decision-making process.


Recognizing and overcoming survivorship bias requires emotional intelligence and self-awareness. We can make more objective and informed decisions if we are aware of our own cognitive biases and understand how they influence our perceptions of success and failure. We must reflect on our decision-making processes on a regular basis, be open to feedback, and learn from both our successes and failures.


In addition to hearing of the successors, we must actively seek out the stories and experiences of those who have faced market challenges and setbacks. We can identify potential pitfalls and develop risk-mitigation strategies in our own trading endeavours by learning from their mistakes and understanding the factors that contributed to their failures.


Furthermore, it is critical to maintain humility in the face of success, acknowledging that our accomplishments may be influenced as much by luck as by skill. This can protect us from overconfidence and complacency, allowing us to remain vigilant and adaptable to the ever-changing market landscape. We can develop a more well-rounded and resilient approach to the markets by incorporating quantitative analysis, emotional intelligence, financial education, and technology into our trading and investing toolbox, ultimately improving our ability to navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise in the face of survivorship bias.


In the financial markets, survival bias is a powerful and pervasive force that can distort our perception of success and lead us down a dangerous path of excessive risk-taking and overconfidence. Traders and investors can develop a more balanced and nuanced understanding of the markets by recognising and confronting this bias, as highlighted in Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s “Fooled by Randomness.”


We can better equip ourselves to make informed decisions and manage risk by accepting the role of chance and randomness, acknowledging the lessons to be learned from failure, and maintaining a humble and realistic approach to the markets. We not only increase our chances of long-term success, but we also cultivate a more grounded and resilient mindset that can help us weather the inevitable ups and downs of the financial markets.


The true measure of success in trading and investing is not only our ability to generate profits but also our ability to learn from both our wins and losses. We can grow as traders and investors by overcoming survivorship bias and embracing the full range of market experiences- recognising the failures along with the successes, constantly refining our strategies and honing our skills in the face of an ever-changing and inherently uncertain financial landscape.

The post Survivorship Bias – No One Remembers the Losers first appeared on trademakers.