Professional Investments (at a fraction of the normal cost)

by | Apr 28, 2023

trademakers puts professional investment managers to work for you, with a suite of investment strategies in multiple asset classes, fractionalised to suit every pocket.

Our fractionalised regulated investment strategies allow everyone to invest in institutional-grade programs on the same terms as the world’s top 1%.

The Professionals

Each fractionalised investment program is created and run by experienced money managers, and risk managed by JPFS – the Swiss fractionalised investment specialists.

Invest from $5,000

Choose when and what to invest in based on your investment goals. With most programs starting at just 5,000 (dollars, euros or pounds), investing with trademakers is a low-cost way to let the experts trade for you!

Multiple Asset Classes

Select your investments from a wide range of programs in multiple asset classes, from futures to foreign exchange to digital assets.

Investment Highlights

Peace of Mind

These investments enable you to take control of your money confidently, knowing that it’s being managed by professional investment managers.

Investment Risk

Whatever your investment goals, you should carefully consider the risks just as much as the historical returns when deciding how best to invest your money. The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. You may not get back the original amount invested.

The post Professional Investments (at a fraction of the normal cost) first appeared on trademakers.