Preserving and Accumulating Wealth in the S&P 500

by | May 2, 2024

This Tuesday (4/30/2024) was a great reminder of how actively managing S&P 500 risk in both directions can help you make the S&P 500 a better long-term investment, i.e. passive and active is better than passive alone.

In this short video I share how 3D’s clients are using 3D Bull/Bear to help them preserve/hedge their stock market risk and accumulate wealth in Bull AND Bear markets.

If you are interested in learning more about 3D Bull/Bear and our “Coming Soon” Hedged Equity and L/S products, we welcome a call or Zoom to begin a dialogue.

Play Video

Sincerely, Eric Dugan,
Founder & Chief Investment Officer

3D Capital Management

The post Preserving and Accumulating Wealth in the S&P 500 first appeared on JP Fund Services.

The post Preserving and Accumulating Wealth in the S&P 500 appeared first on JP Fund Services.

The post Preserving and Accumulating Wealth in the S&P 500 first appeared on trademakers.