Digital Assets Investing for Everyone

by | Dec 8, 2020

Jillian Godsill, one of the top 100 Blockchain leaders globally, interviews Co-CEOs Peter Kristensen and Adam Hill about the launch of a new service from Swiss investment firm JPFS – trademakers.

With the seemingly unstoppable rise of digital assets strengthened by strong institutional interest, central banks developing their own digital currencies, and the growing availability of digital payments, trademakers is carving out a compelling niche for itself. trademakers has recently been soft launched to provide private investors with institutional-grade investment programs managed by market experts and underpinned by rigorous risk management tools.

Read the full article by Jillian.

This kind of institutional risk management, professional traders, and a compliant umbrella for clients, traders, and partners, trademakers looks set to capture the imagination, and pocket book, of ‘ordinary investors’ looking for a way to participate in digital asset investing without having to master this new market themselves.

Unlike copy trading systems that allow people to copy other clients’ trades, the new brand from JPFS unites proven market professionals with solid track records with private investors looking for experts to help them manage and grow their investments.

Read the full article by Jillian.

About Jilliian
Jillian is a co founder and journalist in the She freelances for Irish Tech News, Irish Central, The Irish Independent and The Irish Times. She has her own radio shows on DublinCityFM and EastCoastFM. Her first job after graduating from Trinity College was as a systems analyst with JP Morgan.

The post Digital Assets Investing for Everyone appeared first on JP Fund Services.

The post Digital Assets Investing for Everyone first appeared on trademakers.