Investment Portfolios
Portfolio Overview
The portfolios are designed with pure alpha seeking strategies, derived from alternative investment assets, engineered around several asset classes such as Foreign Exchange, Digital Assets, Equity Indices, Commodities, Precious Metals, Private Placements and Renewable Energy.
The strategies are executed using a number of financial instruments within a regulated framework or investment vehicle. By creating and sourcing a stable of unique investment strategies, which are diversified from and uncorrelated to the broader market, the aim is to deliver robust investment opportunities for High Net Worth and Ultra High Net Worth individuals, Financial Advisors, Family Funds and Fund Managers.
The strategies are sourced from external traders and managers using verified quantative and quantative analysis ensuring the integrity of the data. Acceptable risk is at the forefront of each strategy selected rather than profits therefore when market conditions become challenging the strategy will continue to survive.
There is a strict 5 point process used which includes…
- Discovery Process
The risk profile is intensely scrutinised and assessed. This serves as both a blueprint and a report card of each individual strategy - Investment Strategy
Risk management controls and diversification models with short term or long term strategies are formulated. - Strategy Execution
Each portfolio is diligently monitored in real time and adjusted to market conditions from time to time where necessary. - Reports and Insights
Regular market commentaries and investment insights are delivered on a regular basis by the experienced Alternative Investment Team. - Satisfaction
Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of longevity in any industry or profession. The Alternative Investment Team strives to maintain loyalty, integrity and personal relationships to ensure solid education and understanding of the strategies.

Institutional Grade Contracts for Difference (CFD) Investment
The Crown Portfolio offers investors institutional grade exposure to alternative investments through derivative products specifically, Contracts for Difference (CFD). CFDs are a way to speculate on the price of an underlying asset without owning the underlying product. Instead, there is an agreement to pay the difference in price between the opening and closing of the contract.
This portfolio is designed for those seeking diversification by offering access to major currency pairs, cryptocurrencies and market indices such as EURUSD, XAUUSD (Gold), BTCUSD (Bitcoin), ETHUSD (Etherium), NASDAQ (US100 Tech index) and NIKKEI (JPN225 index), by leveraging a basket of proprietary trading strategies.
These trading strategies have been developed by an Australian development team under the guidance of a 25 year experienced veteran in this space. This is achieved by using cutting edge machine learning (AI) technology and have undergone extensive back testing over many years across large datasets to minimize downside risk and enhance return stability, offering a data driven approach to CFD trading.
Investment Horizon: | 1-2 years |
Target Returns: | 20% net returns p.a. |
Inception Date: | January 2024 |
Year-on-Year Returns | 25% |
Growth Diversified Portfolio
Nominated for Best Newcomer CTA Multi-Strategy by Hedgweek in November 2024 … Read More
This Portfolio has been developed to provide a broad diversification of non-correlated asset classes to consistently perform irrespective of overall market conditions by evading excessive volatility and downside risk.
Key Investment Statistics
Investment Horizon: | 2-3 years |
Target Returns: | 15-20% net returns p.a. |
Inception Date: | January 2020 |
Year-on-Year Returns | 18.37% |

Multi Diversified Portfolio
As the heading implies, this Portfolio incorporates a multi diversified strategy combining several independent programs such as directional, trend following, arbitrage, volatility breakout, mean reversion, high frequency trading (HFT), quant, algo and systematic.
The different trading strategies have multiple time horizons (intra-day through to multi-day/week & longer-term hold periods), variable exposure to different currencies, and leverage. This increases the Portfolio’s overall diversification without diluting returns.
Key Investment Statistics
Investment Horizon: | 2-3 years |
Target Returns: | 20-25% net returns p.a. |
Inception Date: | January 2020 |
Year-on-Year Returns | 22.25% |
GLDP replicates the performance of the GOLD + strategy which seeks to achieve its goal by buying gold directly from gold mines and transporting it to the refineries for fixed fees on each delivery.
The strategy is executed by a licensed gold exporter that transports in excess of €100m of physical gold per month from a number of gold mines to a refinery in Dubai. This investment guarantees a reliable and consistent return, completely unaffected by market volatility.
The principal secures a fixed margin on every delivery, ensuring that all parties are paid promptly every two weeks.
Key Investment Statistics
Investment Horizon: | 1 year |
Target Returns: | 12% net returns p.a. |
Inception Date: | January 2023 |
Year-on-Year Returns | 12% |