Making a Difference
Proud Sponsor of the Epic Walk
for DV
Women’s Legal Services Queensland (WLSQ)
TD and Anne Bannerman are active volunteers and supporters of WLSQ which advocates for the rights, safety, and justice of Queensland women, providing legal assistance to those who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, or other forms of violence against women. Women’s Legal Service (WLS) was formed in 1984 after a meeting of committed women, from a mix of welfare, counselling and legal backgrounds identified a need for a free service that would respond to legal issues affecting women in Queensland.

Proud Sponsor of the Future 2 Foundation
future 2 foundation
Future2 is committed to improving financial wellbeing across Australia. Through their grants program, Future2 supports grassroots initiatives that help disadvantaged Australians build stronger financial futures.
Future2 focuses on four key areas:
• Financial wellbeing for young Australians
• Financial wellbeing for women
• Financial wellbeing for Australians in need
• Financial wellbeing for those in regional and remote areas
To date, Future2 has supported over 170 community programs, providing $1.6 million in grants, including $30,000 in 2023 to local Queensland causes.
The Forgotten Women
This is another area where Anne Bannerman and TD are passionate supporters for raising the profile and funds for homeless women over 55. This is a unique, grassroots housing initiative with a mission to provide a safe roof over the heads of as many vulnerable women as possible through the acquisition of suitable properties. These women have found themselves in this situation with life changing circumstances after many years of taking care of others now suffering financial hardship driven by rising living costs, lack of employment, limited or no superannuation and a lack of affordable housing options. There are more than 40,000 Queensland women in this predicament.