Few have been as concerned about the economic outlook for as long as I have. And too many of the problems we have discussed over the past year are now, sadly, starting to take hold.
Continually pushing something when it’s already falling over the cliff makes little sense – so, considering that, I will keep it light this week and try and pick your brains.
By now, you will know the Old Man is not a fan of Biden, Woke’ism, or the imposition of ESG policies on successful businesses.
Let’s be honest. We need Social Justice Warriors and Marxist policies about as much as we need another 4 years of Biden or watching AOC becoming the next President.
Yeah, I said it!
Sometimes I have to step back and look at things from a different angle. Challenge my outlook honestly and see what pops up.
Having banked a chunk of change on BTC last week, I will wait a bit before re-entering the market.
This week I did a little search on YouTube of people I am not a fan of to see what they are saying. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. That’s the saying.
I watched a bit of Biden, but his handlers appear to have muzzled him, or at least the “gobbledygook” sounded like he was wearing a muzzle.
I quickly looked up Kamala Harris but only hung about a bit. I don’t know if it was the volume on my computer or the vacuum between her ears, but all I heard was cackling.
I gave AOC a few minutes because I am a big fan of hypocrisy and the slogans you find in Chinese crackers. But as expected, nothing she said was mildly interesting.
However, algorithms being what they are, up came a video of John Kerry. I was expecting to hear that the planet was about to end, because Trump’s liaison with Stormy Daniels had made the Arctic melt.
But lo and behold, the carbon czar came up with something that made me have a rethink.
Whilst I have my personal views of ESG, especially the social and governance bits. Lots of people, and I mean lots of people, are still making big bucks from energy and the environment. From a societal point of view, I have an aversion to government-subsidized industries. But that doesn’t mean some projects in this sector have worthwhile merits.
Last year, I bought a small solar energy set-up for my remote property, and the discussions on batteries got crazy. I bought the stuff the guy recommended but started looking for something better.
I came across a company called Quantumscape (QS), who were talking about a “forever battery”, which will be great for us all. I even looked at the share price, but it had fallen a long way and was still falling. Eventually, I might stick my toe in the water and buy a few shares. But I need to gain more knowledge to make such a decision.
Returning to John, “my-private-jet-will-save-the-planet”, Kerry. He said that the investment in renewables was now so huge, no administration can afford to cut them because of the uproar that a loss in green jobs would cause. Even Trump refused to examine a cut in subsidies.
Now I am in a quandary. I’m not too fond of subsidized industries, but with energy prices increasing and global governments reluctant to change direction, there are still some good opportunities worth exploring. Moreover, with a sizable decline in equity markets on the horizon, I may ignore my bias and my cynical views towards the environment industry and get some exposure.
Admittedly, I am late to the game. But I was late coming into cryptocurrencies, yet it didn’t stop me from banking a nice little profit last week. I am more of a big-picture guy, and picking individual stocks and projects is not my forte. Indeed, I rarely get involved in any company in which I do not have at least a little knowledge of whose involved.
To cut a long story short, I was chatting with the guys at trademakers this week. I mentioned that along with utility companies (which I will try to buy into on the coming dip), I had seen the John Kerry video and was thinking about opportunities in renewable energy.
I am all about evidence and facts and not one to think about coincidences. But what are the odds of me watching a John Kerry video and finding something I find of interest? Very small.
But it continues, what’s the chance of this happening, and a few days later, JPFS and Trademakers told me they will be adding renewable energy projects to their offering!
JPFS and trademakers are partnering Haush, a green energy company, to enable regular folk like me to invest in renewable projects. The projects are not live yet, but I am looking at this company seriously. Coincidence or not, it is a sector that I want to explore.
You all know more about the renewable energy business than I do, so please have a look, and if you have any feedback, I would greatly appreciate it.
Until next time.
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The post This week, instead of preaching, I am asking for your opinion first appeared on trademakers.